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Silica fume power-Gel "Quadruple aim performance"

This gfoup of parsman chemical products, which is offered under the name Silica fume power-Gel “Quadruple aim performance”, is a product based on modified minerals along with special polymers to achieve optimal performance characteristics of fresh and hardened concrete, especially in the southern regions of the country.


After adding this product to fresh concrete with the manufacturer’s recommended dosage, which is determined based on the desired concrete mixing plan, it leads to an optimal increase in efficiency (concrete slump) and also due to the presence of some modified materials in the product structure. It is possible to maintain efficiency (concrete slump) for a longer period of time.The modified mineral materials present in the formulation of these Silica fume power-Gel “Quadruple aim performance” , while improving the mechanical resistance of hardened concrete, specially improve the durability and reliability of concrete under the influence of environmental corrosive factors.

Silica fume power-Gel "Quadruple aim performance" series

Parsman chemical silica fume power-Gel

"Quadruple aim performance".


Parsman chemical silica fume power-Gel

"Quadruple aim performance"