Super lubricant for concrete code MS-350

Super lubricant for concrete code MS-350

Concrete super-plasticizer code MS-350 by Parsman Chemical is a strong water reducer of the new generation with high performance, which coincidents the needs of concrete producers and consumers in the summer season. This product has the ability to maintain a very high slump in very hot temperature and environment conditions.

Technical specifications of super-plasticizer for concrete code MS-3150:
base material Modified lignosulfonate
appearance Liquid
color Dark brown 
Density 0.02 ± 1.06 g/cm3
PH 4-6
Freezing point 0 ̊ C approx
chloride The amount of chlorine without chloride
The amount of alkalinity
The amount of alkalinity is less than 1
Recommended dosage
0.3 to 1.5 of cement weight for normal use
National Standard 2930-2, Tables 3-1 and 3-2ASTM C494 Type F&GEN 934-2


Concrete super-plasticizer code MS-350 by Parsman Chemical is a strong water reducer of the new generation with high performance, which coincidents the needs of concrete producers and consumers in the summer season. This product has the ability to maintain a very high slump in very hot temperature and environment conditions.



Examples of application of MS-350 concrete super-plasticizer:

  • Self compacting concrete (SCC),
  • high strength concrete,
  • pumpable concrete,
  • high durability concrete,
  • high performance concrete (HPC),
  • bulk concrete, low permeability concrete


Safety matters:

Before using the product, please read the safety information sheet carefully or read the safety instructions on the package.

Technical services:

The technical department of Parsman Chemical Construction is always available to help you in the correct and optimal use of products.

Usage tips:

It is used for the production of concrete in the concrete factory during the summer season, for the production of concrete with the ability to maintain performance (psychology), especially in conditions where the transportation distance is significant. This product follows the mixing schemes for different psychoactivity, exposure and durability classes according to the European standard EN 206, with technical and economic advantages, outstanding quality and durability. For greater effect, do not use dry aggregates and only aggregates saturated with Use water. Otherwise, mix the dry aggregate with part of the water before the main mixing. Add the admixture in the factory mixer at the same time as water. Also, if using inside the concrete truck mixer, mix uniformly for at least 5 minutes.


This product is compatible with the following admixtures and materials:

•Reactive micro silica (silica foam)

concrete retarder: R-200 Parsman Chemical model for more delay in setting (very hot weather and very long transportation distance)


•Aerobic admixtures

•Shrink reduction admixtures

•Curing materials for exposed concrete

•Normal mold oil


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