Grout is a viscous material that can be used to fill the space between two elements in order to connect them or create a seal. In general, it is a mixture of water, cement, sand and admixture, and it is used to connect prefabricated concrete elements, under the columns, fill holes and cracks, and seal joints such as joints between tiles. This material is smooth and dense and is used to fill gaps or as reinforcement in existing structures. Grout is also used for installing industrial machines, cranes, bridge foundations, connections and piping holes, repairing the corrosion of concrete components, filling holes, etc. Due to its low viscosity, this material easily fills the cracks after being spread. There are different types of grouts, and in a general category, they can be divided into two categories: cement grouts and chemical grouts. Cement grout without shrinkage, polymer grout and epoxy grout are among the most common grouts.
Grote Parsman Chemical product series:
Cement grout is the most common type of grout in the world and is widely used. This material is often used to create a hard load-bearing surface between the base plate of the structure and the foundation below it, or the concrete slab under the base plate, and it helps in transferring the total load of the column to the concrete foundation. Cement grout is used for a wide range of applications under the load-bearing plates of structures or fixing industrial machines. Cement grouts are used to repair cracks in many concrete structures such as bridges, tunnels, buildings and soil or foundation stabilization. Cement grout is generally divided into sand grout, sandless grout and polymer modified grout.
Cement grout is usually used in the following conditions:
Grout is used as a filler for ceramics, stone or any type of tile with a grout connection.This material consists of Portland cement, sand and additives, mixed with water and poured in place, and it takes approximately 24 hours to dry. Sand cement grouts contain relatively large sand particles that can be seen and touched and have a sand-like appearance. Sand grout is usually recommended when the joints have a width of 3 mm or more, the sand also provides greater bonding strength and prevents cracking.
Grout without sand, which is also called wall grout, is basically the same as sand grout but without coarse sand. This grout is also used to fill the seam of tiles and polished stone with a seam width of less than 3 mm. Grouts without sand have a much softer texture, because the non-cement particles in them are in the form of very fine powders. This type of grout is usually used for seams whose width is between 1.5 and 3 mm. Modified polymer grout Cement grouts may be formulated with a polymer additive, which is done in two ways, either the dry mix is modified or the additive is added while the grout is being mixed with water. These additives are a combination of acrylic and latex and reduce water absorption, increase resistance and improve color durability. Among the characteristics of polymer grout is high tensile and bending resistance, good sealing properties, good abrasion resistance and high resistance to the effect of sea salt water. This grout is used as a joint filler for floor and wall tiles, especially glass or stone tiles or any type of tiling that requires cleaner and more flexible grout. Latex acrylic grout is also used in places where seams and cracks are smaller (less than 5 mm). It is also recommended to use this grout for marble tile joints, because unlike sand grout, it does not cause scratches on its surface. Some grout production factories add dried latex to it in the factory and do not need to add another substance.
Furan grout is a two-component chemical grout and includes Furan resin and filler powder with acid catalyst. This is an acid catalyst that causes the resin to change and creates a thermal resin that has exceptional chemical, physical and thermal resistance. Furan grout is usually used as a grout for anti-acid or acid-resistant tiles and chemicals such as brick paving and quarry tiles in industrial environments such as petrochemicals and refineries, because this type of grout has a high resistance to chemicals, acids and fats. has it. It should be noted that tile or brick surfaces must be covered with wax before using grout to protect them from staining.
Epoxy was first recognized in 1936, however, it was not commercially available until the 1950s. It was in this decade that this material was also used in the construction industry and showed promising results. The use of epoxy in the concrete building industry solved many problems. Tests have shown that epoxy has good adhesion with concrete, high adhesion strength, high resistance in harsh environments, easy use and little shrinkage after use. Currently formulated epoxies consist of different types of resins and hardeners and are used for different purposes. Today, epoxies are also used to install industrial machines.
Epoxy grouts usually consist of three components: resin, curing agent or hardener, and aggregate. The resin is the first component of this composition, and the second component is the epoxy grout, the hardening agent. A wide range of materials can be used as hardeners in epoxy grout, the most common of which are amines, particularly aliphatic and aromatic amines. By combining these two components, chemical reactions occur between them and hardening begins.
The epoxy molecule alone undergoes successive reactions and increases in volume, which is called polymerization. This polymerization and bonding between them creates a strong epoxy structure. It should be mentioned that the ratio of the two components of resin and curing agent has a certain amount and during production, they should be mixed properly to form a homogeneous mixture.
The epoxy molecule alone undergoes successive reactions and increases in volume, which is called polymerization. This polymerization and bonding between them creates a strong epoxy structure. It should be mentioned that the ratio of the two components of resin and curing agent has a certain amount and during production, they should be mixed properly to form a homogeneous mixture. In order to start the reaction between two components, physical contact must be established between their molecules. The initiating chemical reactions between the resin and hardener components are exothermic, and the amount of heat released from these reactions is different for different.
Epoxies are also resistant to chemical reactions. Chemical attacks are one of the most common causes of destruction of concrete structures. Fat and pollution produced by animals, natural and industrial oils, acids, alkalis and various types of industrial salts are factors of concrete destruction. However, epoxies were considered due to their good resistance against this type of material. The amount of chemical resistance of epoxies depends on the type of hardener and epoxy formulation. As an example, aromatic amines achieve higher chemical resistance than aliphatic amines, but aromatic amines are almost viscous and have lower workability.
The ambient temperature at the time of execution should be between +5 and +35 degrees Celsius. Grout should be protected from strong sunlight and strong wind. If the temperature drops at night, the grout should be covered and kept warm.
Clean the surface thoroughly from dust, dirt, grease, oil, paint, plaster or any loose coating. Contact surfaces must be moist.
The amount of water required for each bag is between 13 and 18 percent by weight. Too much water reduces resistance and causes cracking. First, pour the specified amount of water in a clean plastic container and slowly add the grout powder to it and stir continuously. It is recommended to use a grout mixer for this. Stirring for 5 to 6 minutes is enough. In the end, Groot gains the fluidity he needs. The prepared mixture should be used within 30 minutes. Grouting should be done inside the mold without stopping. By slowly hitting the rod, you can ensure the distribution of the grout.
The application starts immediately after the grout hardens and should be continued for a week by covering the grout with a damp cloth.
Unopened bags can be stored in a dry place away from the ground for 6 months. In workshop conditions, keep the bags on a wooden pallet above the ground and away from rain, moisture and direct sunlight.
All safety conditions and first aid regarding the use of cement materials must be observed.