Antifreeze and concrete accelerator code AX-108

Antifreeze and concrete accelerator code AX-108

Antifreeze and concrete accelerator code AX-108 product of Parsman Chemical is a product with a liquid appearance, water base and without chloride, which by accelerating the initial hydration reactions of cement and early hardening of concrete, reduces the level of water saturation inside the concrete and prevents ice Concrete cracking in cold weather conditions.

Technical specifications of AX-108 code antifreeze and concrete accelerator:

appearance Liquid
color Colorless
Density 1/1 ± 0/01 g/cm3
PH 10-11
Freezing point 0 ̊ C approx
chloride The amount of chlorine without chloride
The amount of alkalinity
The amount of alkalinity is less than 1
Recommended dosage
1 to 3 percent of cement weight for normal use
2930-2 Tables 6 and 7ASTM C494 Type A  – EN 934-2        



AX-108 concrete accelerator and antifreeze product of Parsman Chemical is a product with a liquid appearance, water base and without chloride, which by accelerating the initial hydration reactions of cement and early hardening of concrete, reduces the level of water saturation inside the concrete and prevents ice concrete cracking in cold weather conditions.

Applications of antifreeze and concrete accelerator code AX-108
•Concreting in cold weather
•Sprayed concrete
•Suitable for pre-stressed or post-tensioned reinforced concrete with steam or normal processing method.
•Suitable for prefabricated reinforced concrete.

Safety matters:

Before using the product, please read the safety information sheet carefully or read the safety instructions on the package.

Technical services

The technical department of Parsman Chemical Construction is always available to help you in the correct and optimal use of products.

Tips for using antifreeze and concrete accelerator code AX-108 Parsman Chemical is supplied in liquid form for ready-mixed concrete. It is better to add this product to the concrete mixing water at the initial stage of mixing, along with cement. Also, if this product is added to the final concrete mix (inside the concrete trucks), it is necessary to mix for 3 minutes with a high speed. to be

This product is compatible with the following admixtures and materials:


•Reactive microsilica (silica foam)
•Super-plasticizer for concrete: models such as HW-510, HW-510P and MW-310 of Parsman Chemical to further accelerate setting (cold weather)
•Aerobic admixtures
•Anti-caking admixtures
•Curing materials for exposed concrete
•Normal mold oil


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